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HR 101

What’s your current salary?
Navigating the Salary Question

Firstly, its not a trick question! As a headhunter Im not just being nosy in wanting to know how much you earn! I understand its a private question and sometimes not easy to answer. . .

Preparing for the interview
The Interview: A Performance, Not a Passive Event

Look, if you are really not interested in the job then why bother accepting the interview at all? Surely you have better things to do?. I’ve had cases of people going to interview, leaning back on the chair as far as it goes and pretty much saying to the person interviewing “Ok, impress me”. . .

The Picture Perfect CV?!

One thing there always seems to be some confusion about is whether or not you should include a picture of yourself on your CV? To set the record straight, there is no obligation for you to include a picture, it’s purely a personal preference . . .

Apply for jobs you have the experience to do
Apply for jobs you have the experience to do

For senior roles I pretty much know who I want to speak with on the market and I get bombarded with CVs from people who either have no relevant experience for the role or are still a few years short of taking on such a role . . .